Cargo / Gas Engineer
Reporting structure
Job Summary and Purpose
The Cargo Engineer Officer is responsible to the Chief Engineer Officer for the maintenance of all cargo handling and monitoring equipment and other associated systems. During cargo operations the Cargo Engineer is responsible for providing operational support to the OOW with respect to cargo handling and equipment.
He is responsible for carrying out all operations necessary for cargo care and supervision at sea and must provide the Chief Officer with all information necessary for him to exercise his responsibility for the cargo carriage.
He is responsible for the safety of all personnel working under his supervision.
He is responsible to the Chief Engineer Officer for the maintenance of:
- Cargo instrumentation including transmitters, receivers, recorders, regulators, actuator, and lines
- Cargo compressors, including loading, discharge, spray valves, lines, and equipment
- Cargo/spray pumps
- Ballast system, including valves, lines, pumps, and control systems
- Gas analyzer maintenance
- Inert gas/dry air plant, where fitted
- Re-liquefaction plant and Gas Combustion Unit (GCU), where fitted Nitrogen system, including tanks, lines, valves, and all associated equipment.
- Carrying out any lawful command and delegated duty as issued by the Chief Engineer. and /or Master
He is responsible to the Chief Engineer Officer for the testing of equipment and maintenance of records for:
- Gas detectors and analyzers
- Smoke detectors in compressor house
- ESD system checks prior to arrival at load and discharge ports
- Daily cargo log
- Adjustment of heating coils
- Inner hull inspections and records
- Routine testing at sea and pre-arrival assisted by the Chief Officer
The Chief Engineer Officer may assign the Cargo Engineer Officer to assist with other maintenance and repair duties, particularly on other deck systems and equipment. However, his responsibilities for the cargo systems and equipment should have priority.
He is operationally responsible to the Master for all aspects of cargo care and supervision at sea to ensure the safe execution of the planned passage.
The Cargo Engineer should be completely conversant with the ships Manuals, associated Charterer’s Emergency Management Plans, onboard contingency plans, and the Safety Management System.
The Cargo Engineer Officer is a member of the Ship Management Team. He shall assist the other Engineer Officers in understudying him as an essential part of their training and development.
Accountabilities - 2
Accountabilities - 3
Class 3
Key Result Areas
Interactions and Working Relations
Financial Authorities
Qualifications, Experience and Job Skills
Cargo / Gas Engineer
Job Segment:
Boiler Engineer, HVAC, Construction, Quality Assurance, QA, Engineering, Operations, Technology, Quality